📣 💪 Speaking, writing, and organizing events to create a bigger impact through Design! WRITING / Germany Co-creation leads to innovation – here's how it works (DE)Developing the solution is just as important in a co-creative process as creating the conditions that lead to this solution. Working co-creatively means accepting that we ourselves do not have all the answers. SPEAKER / II CONGRESS OF SERVICE DESIGN Service Design with the Public sector in Germany (ES)Talk from my personal experience as a Service Designer working in a user-centered way together with public servants. I gave insights into its particularities, challenges and showed some of my projects. The talk was held during the II Congress of Service Design of the Universidad del Bosque, Colombia. Here you find a summary in ES. 1:1 MENTORING SESSIONS Design mentor @ADPListI believe in the power of community and how the exchange can build capabilities and empathy both ways. ADPList is on a mission to democratize mentorship for all. I am mentoring designers from around the globe in 1:1 sessions. BOOK CONTRIBUTION Figurationen der WohnungsnotIn English “Figurations of the housing crisis”. Homelessness was the topic of my master's thesis, for which I worked closely with the self-organized homeless community in Germany. Homeless people are experts by experience, and when it comes to developing solutions to their main problem (lack of affordable housing), they deserve an active role and a seat at the table. CO-HOST DESIGN EVENT Global Goals Jam Köln 2019We coordinated, hosted, and facilitated the Global Goals Jam (GGJ) in Cologne. The GGJ is a two-day event happening around the globe to solve global challenges at the local level by using design methodologies. We worked on the global challenge of Migration and locally identified sub-challenges that migrants face in the city of Cologne. AWARD & PUBLICATION 50 Out-of-the-Box Housing Solutions The Housing Solutions Platform published a compendium of some of the most innovative and daring examples of housing solutions for the locked out in Europe. My MA Thesis was one of the selected projects. ARTICLE & EXHIBITION Myths and Facts about homelessness 2019Conclusions of my MA thesis “Designing housing solutions by, with, and for homeless citizens” - What is true and what is not about homelessness? ARTICLE Wohnungslosentreffen 2018 (homeless people’s meeting) Talking about homelessness is most commonly associated with charity services, soup kitchens, and people begging on the streets. What if instead of talking about homelessness, we start talking with people experiencing homelessness? CO-ORGANIZER DESIGN EVENT Service Design Tour Köln Düsseldorf 2018On the 8th edition of the Service Design Tour, we organized one in NRW. A very international group of 17 service design students visited 7 design companies to understand how Service Design is implemented in different settings. From big corporations to small agencies, and from in-house practices to innovation consultancies.